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Old April 29, 2019, 08:56 AM
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DFA straw poll

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Old April 30, 2019, 11:36 PM
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Clinton-era politics refuses to die. Joe Biden is its zombie that staggers on

We are talking about a person who built his career as the credit card industry’s man in Washington, while simultaneously cultivating a reputation as a down-to-earth everyman. We are talking about a man who voted against gay marriage when it was unpopular – and then won plaudits for his bravery by changing his mind years later, when it was popular. We are talking about a man who played a key role in launching America’s war on drugs and mass incarceration epidemic, yet who is widely perceived as a sensitive man with hard-won empathy after losing a son. We are talking about a man who voted in favor of the Iraq war even while giving every indication that he knew it was a bad idea.
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Old April 30, 2019, 11:47 PM
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Sanders is filling stadiums and yet poll after poll shows he is sliding down, whereas Biden, whose first campaign speech had less than 200 people in attendance, rising exponentially.

This is what Noam Chomsky called MANUFACTURED CONSENT.
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Old May 1, 2019, 01:18 AM
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Trump is a genius when it comes to media manipulation.

He is cleverly attacking Biden hard trying to show that he is afraid of facing him in the general election. He is also trolling DNC, saying Sanders will be cheated again.

Basically, Trump is pushing the fake electability argument to the front and he is hoping democratic establishment will again fall for it, like they did in 2016, where their conventional wisdom dictated that a far left outsider anti-establishment candidate cannot win a general election.

Trump knows that he cannot beat Bernie because except for crazy Bernie and communism and Venezuela, there is nothing he can attack him on. And these attack lines already sound boring and unmarketable. However, if Biden is the nominee, Trump can hold rally after rally attacking:

Iraq war vote
Crime Bill
Bankruptcy bill
Credit card bill
Repeal of Glass Steagall
Anita Hill
Ukraine scandal

When Trump trolls, you must look beyond the surface and read between the lines.
Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself- AJH| Don’t disrespect your life by living aimlessly – set goals and work hard to attain them.
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Old May 1, 2019, 01:21 AM
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In his first campaign speech at Pittsburg, Biden slurred so much that he could not be understood 50% of the time.

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Old May 1, 2019, 01:28 AM
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Biden's new campaign slogan: MAMA = Make America Moral Again

When you are up against a troll, the first order of business is not to feed him - positively or negatively. Feeding a troll only emboldens it.

I am not Trump.
Trump is bad.
MAGA? No, it is MAMA
Look at Trump's horrible response to Charlottesville

Hillary run the same I AM NOT TRUMP campaign and it only played into the hands of Donald J. Troll, which eventually made him the Commander in TROLL of the United States.

Biden will give the Commander in TROLL four more years with I AM NOT TRUMP campaign.

But Biden will feed the troll because he has nothing else to offer. And media will feed the troll because it is good for their rating.


Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself- AJH| Don’t disrespect your life by living aimlessly – set goals and work hard to attain them.
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Old May 2, 2019, 02:00 AM
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Skeletons are coming out

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Old May 2, 2019, 05:46 AM
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This is what you get with Biden.

I’ll not soon forget watching the huge Democratic rally in Philadelphia the evening before the 2016 election. A parade of Democratic notables and entertainers got the crowd all worked up: Barack and Michelle Obama spoke. Bruce Springsteen led the throng in song. Then the balloons dropped, the confetti shot into the air, Hillary Clinton took the stage … .

And the place died. The crowd went quiet.

And that, I couldn’t help but notice.

Perhaps because I’d been familiar with her in the life-sized arena of Little Rock for so long, I’d simply never noticed that the Democratic candidate projected almost none of her husband’s personal charisma.
Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself- AJH| Don’t disrespect your life by living aimlessly – set goals and work hard to attain them.
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Old May 2, 2019, 05:51 AM
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Electability argument = FAKE NEWS

“Electability” is a crock of ****. It is defined, like political “moderation,” only in terms of opposition to things people want, but are told they can’t have, ranging from antiwar politics to left-wing economic populism to even the “cultural liberalism” that is seemingly the cornerstone of the modern Democratic Party. (Back in 2004, supporting civil unions, not even marriage, for same-sex couples was a threat to a Democrat’s perceived “electability.”) While the impulse to vote according to how you think a candidate would appeal to people who don’t share your priorities might make sense in theory, practice has revealed time and time again that no one involved in electoral politics—from the pundits down to the caucus-goers—has a clue who or what Americans will actually vote for. That was supposed to be, as the political scientist Masket says, the main lesson of Trump’s election.

But Democratic voters did not teach themselves to prioritize electability over their own actual concerns. They were trained to, over many years, by party figures who over-interpreted the loss of George McGovern, or who wanted to use the fear of McGovern to maintain their power over the Democratic candidate pipeline and nomination process. “Electability” is a way to get voters to carry out a contrary agenda—not their own—while convincing them they’re being “responsible.”

And now Democratic candidates and their most loyal voters are stuck in an absurd feedback loop. The politicians campaign and govern as if they themselves don’t believe a majority of voters prefer their agenda, signaling to their most loyal voters that they must vote not for what they want, but for what they imagine their more-conservative neighbors might want. But when voters in 2016 did exactly that, and nominated the candidate they were repeatedly told was most qualified to defeat Trump in the general election, they chose a person who went on to lose to him.

How are committed, pragmatic voters supposed to react when the person sold to them as not just the most “electable” person in this particular race, but among the most “electable” people in recent political history, loses a freak election to a preening, venal huckster who was treated as a great big joke for almost the entirety of the campaign?

If “electability” previously meant “the candidate most associated with the hawkish and business-friendly wing of the party,” it now seems to have become purely and nakedly demographic. Former Clinton voters are flocking to the various white men in the race, avoiding candidates they actually might like, because they see their own affinity for those candidates as a political liability.
Because of the way the “electability” question was framed in 2016, and the way it then backfired, it looks very much like the Democratic Party’s rank-and-file took from that election the lesson that “a smart and capable woman isn’t electable,” not that “an establishment fixture with a tremendous amount of political baggage who is also easily and convincingly portrayed as corrupt isn’t electable.” I’m guessing many of the people who worked very hard to elect Hillary Clinton president would like to see Warren win the Democratic nomination rather than Biden, but decades of party brass (aided by a political press that spends every single election cycle talking about the electorate like it’s still Nixon’s Silent Majority) leaning on “electability” arguments to kneecap outsider candidates is currently working against that outcome.
Watching Joe Biden, a man who was already too out-of-step with the party and the country to win the nomination 12 years ago, claim the “electability” mantle only strengthens that feeling. No one really wants President Biden. It’s just that the “better things aren’t possible” caucus accidentally managed to convince some large portion of the Democratic electorate that they must hold their noses and vote for actively worse things.

Expecting voters to behave like pundits—asking people to vote for what expensive consultants and Sunday show guests imagine people like them might want instead of what they actually want—would be perverse even if it worked. But unless and until the Democratic electorate can be given license to support what it supports, each failure of the “electability” paradigm will only be taken as proof of the need to retreat further into learned helplessness.

If you’re not that excited to vote for Joe Biden, I promise you, your neighbor isn’t, either.
Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself- AJH| Don’t disrespect your life by living aimlessly – set goals and work hard to attain them.
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Old May 2, 2019, 10:05 PM
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Pesky Pete met with Clintons for advice (and blessing)


Bernie has an unprecedented task ahead of him - beat the Clinton Machine, the Obama Machine, main stream media, 20 other contenders, DNC, super delegates, the deep state, wall street, insurance companies, big pharma, big oil, and finally Trump!

Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself- AJH| Don’t disrespect your life by living aimlessly – set goals and work hard to attain them.
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Old May 2, 2019, 10:06 PM
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More bad news for Bernie

Obama-tied operatives and Biden supporters launch $60 million ‘dark money’ group
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Old May 4, 2019, 03:07 AM
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Joe Biden's new campaign website

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Old May 5, 2019, 01:04 AM
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After Biden, President Donald Trump has started pouncing on Crooked Kamala

This is the second time the president has called her NASTY.

After President Donald Trump called her "nasty," Sen. Kamala Harris on Thursday asserted that her "primary interest is to pursue justice" in keeping with what the American people want.
When CNN asked her what the President was referring to by this nick name, Crooked Kamal said only God knows.

When asked by CNN's Alisyn Camerota on "New Day" Thursday what Trump's name-calling was about, the 2020 presidential Democratic candidate responded, "God only knows."
No Kamala, you definitely know what Trump meant. The POTUS was referring to a 30 years old power hungry Kamala dating a 60 year old married man under broad California daylight.

For those who deeply follow politics, the right wing circles have given Kamala a nick name: KAMALA the CONCUBINE. Of course, Trump being the POTUS cannot use it. So for the time being, he has settled for NASTY.

BTW, Crooked Kamala and mainstream media think her questioning of Bill Barr was awesome. It was not awesome or intelligent at all. It was nothing but GRANDSTANDING and FAKE POSTURING.

Grandstanding will not hide the DEMON she is. I hope Bernie badly beats this DEMON and CROOK in California primary.

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Old May 5, 2019, 04:34 AM
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Joe Biden says he ‘doesn’t have time’ to lay out his healthcare plan

Do not think this is just another Biden gaffe. It is not. It is HUBRIS.

Sleazy Joe does not give a $h*t about average Joe. He is a proven most faithful errand boy of capitalist lords.

His hubris will doom his campaign, just like how hubris doomed the campaign of Hillary.
Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself- AJH| Don’t disrespect your life by living aimlessly – set goals and work hard to attain them.
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Old May 7, 2019, 02:01 PM
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Biden takes 32-point lead over Sanders in new 2020 poll

Former Vice President Joe Biden has a 32-point lead in the Democratic presidential race in a Hill-HarrisX poll released Monday.
Biden won 46 percent in the poll compared to 14 percent for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who came in a distant second place.
Former South Bend, Ind. mayor Pete Buttigieg was in third place with 8 percent, followed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) with 7 percent.
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Old May 7, 2019, 03:15 PM
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Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself- AJH| Don’t disrespect your life by living aimlessly – set goals and work hard to attain them.
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Old May 8, 2019, 08:55 AM
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Biden Soars, Everyone Else Stalls

Joe Biden is surfing a presidential polling wave that has, at least momentarily, stalled the momentum of the rest of his 2020 Democratic rivals.

The former vice president is capturing 40 percent of the national Democratic primary vote, stretching his lead over second-place Bernie Sanders to 21 points, according to Morning Consult's weekly tracking survey.
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Old May 8, 2019, 09:00 AM
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Biden supporter tells him 'you can hug and kiss me anytime'

Former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday was seemingly embarrassed after a rallygoer joked about some of his most recent controversies.

Speaking at a campaign rally in Nevada, a supporter shouted at Biden: "You can hug and kiss me anytime, Joe!"

The 2020 contender smiled and looked out into the crowd, before laughing. Biden then did the sign of the cross and said, "That's very nice, thank you."
The supporter's remark came shortly after he took the stage to applause. Biden told the crowd they should expect him to work hard as he vies for the Democratic presidential nomination.
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Old May 8, 2019, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Fazal
Biden Soars, Everyone Else Stalls

Whatever goes up, must come down. And the higher you go, the harder you fall.
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Old May 10, 2019, 03:24 PM
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Even though the polls at this point do not mean much, Biden is probably striking a chord due to his name recognition.

If Bernie thinks he can sing kumbaya and win the nomination, he will be wrong. Politics is a game of offense and he needs to go offensive right away against Biden, Kamala, and Buttigieg. He needs to run ads highlighting policy differences and exposing their emptiness.

Trump beat 17 establishment republicans in 2017 by going offensive. George W. Bush, McCain - Trump did not spare anyone. That is how you win in politics - not by being meek and singing Kumbaya. PATHETIC.
Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself- AJH| Don’t disrespect your life by living aimlessly – set goals and work hard to attain them.
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Old May 10, 2019, 07:27 PM
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'Fresher options' may replace Bernie Sanders as preference of young voters

Bernie Sanders may have captured the hearts of young voters in 2016 and be leading them now, but one observer of youth politics thinks that that advantage may evaporate.
“His appeal to young people in 2016 was conditional on who he was running against. … If you thought Hillary [Clinton] was boring, unexciting, cautious, timid, a flip-flopper, Bernie was the vehicle,” said Peter Hamby, host of the weekly Snapchat political show “Good Luck America.”
“There are younger, fresher options," Hamby said in an interview with the Yahoo News podcast “The Long Game.”
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Old May 10, 2019, 09:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Fazal
'Fresher options' may replace Bernie Sanders as preference of young voters

Bernie Sanders may have captured the hearts of young voters in 2016 and be leading them now, but one observer of youth politics thinks that that advantage may evaporate.
“His appeal to young people in 2016 was conditional on who he was running against. … If you thought Hillary [Clinton] was boring, unexciting, cautious, timid, a flip-flopper, Bernie was the vehicle,” said Peter Hamby, host of the weekly Snapchat political show “Good Luck America.”
“There are younger, fresher options," Hamby said in an interview with the Yahoo News podcast “The Long Game.”
No surprise here. In this age of internet, information is at your finger tips, and with a 30 min research you can turn into an informed voter. But majority of Americans prefer to remain incredibly dumb and horrifyingly uninformed when it comes to their own political process and prefer voting based on feeling, nostalgia, and other fake emotions. No wonder that they had totally DUMB and GOOFY presidents like Reagan, Bush II, and Trump.

If they do not wake up in 2020, they do not deserve healthcare, affordable housing, free college, and a peace oriented foreign policy.
Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself- AJH| Don’t disrespect your life by living aimlessly – set goals and work hard to attain them.
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Old May 10, 2019, 09:29 PM
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Bernie = MAHMUDULLAH (in terms of meekness)
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Old May 15, 2019, 12:24 PM
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So is it Game Over for the rest?

Biden expands lead over rivals for 2020 U.S. presidential nomination despite lack of support from millennials: Reuters/Ipsos poll

The poll released on Wednesday found 29% of Democrats and independents said they would vote for Biden in the state nominating contests that begin next year. That is up from 24% who said so in a poll that ran in late April, days before Biden announced his bid.
Biden led the field among all major demographic groups except millennials (ages 18-37), who favored U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont over Biden 18% to 16%.
To see the full poll results, click here: tmsnrt.rs/2W8Jnao
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Old May 15, 2019, 01:08 PM
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GOP Pollster Names The Only Democrat Who'd Match Trump, If Only She Could Run

Conservative pollster Frank Luntz on Tuesday suggested Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is the only Democrat who is genuine enough to potentially beat President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, if only she could run.


Koto Auga Moga Shoga is running the primary, what's preventing her running the election?
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