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Old August 29, 2018, 02:53 PM
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Warning: Some of it may be explicit

We have come to the point that we need to put a parental advisory for listening to a.. US PRESIDENT!!!!!

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Old August 29, 2018, 03:00 PM
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Trump: Dems want to abolish ICE, I want to abolish ISIS

LOL Incorrigible wordsmith.

I for one don't believe he's racist. He did the pardon of the boxer, he met with Kenyan president recently and today he had the Mexican representative for soccer. Just like his followers you must be equally dumb to believe he's a blatant racist. He made deal with Saudis then declared Jerusalem as capital.

Shrewd he is. He plays all sides. All bases. Like a true Machiavellan-Tzu scholar.

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Old August 29, 2018, 03:04 PM
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Trump is so good. Love Trump. I actually think God (agnostics choose to believe at times) intervened to elect President Trump and save the country from the demonic witch that is Hillary Clinton.
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Old August 29, 2018, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by DinRaat.
A Bengali supporting Trump, now I have seen it all

Kanye may not be the sharpest tool in the box, but when he said " we're supposed to have a monolithic thought, we can only be Democrats" he DOES hit the nail right home.

Frankly Republicans sometimes give me more respect than Dems. Informed Dems -who mostly constitute of college educated, white collar fairly affluent and politically cognizant white senior folks - odiously play this savior card where "we" minorities must be the protected species - LGBT, Muslims, Hispanics, feminists, etc etc - and "they" will be our savior. (And minorities are still seen as second class citizens from the perspectives of many Dems. I mean...like as if you are supposed to come to this country, go to college, play by the books, get a decent job, not ruffle any feathers, be the white knight and mommy's and daddy's (read: theirs) good little boy and girl ergo 'their' pawn.) I once wrote to NY Times why they always stereotypically feature poverty of Bangladesh instead of say comedians, or a juggler - to speak randomly- while they devote a full page on frikkin egg white souffle or some ish. As if the implications are as if in our country -or third world countries- we are not supposed to have Sexiest Man Alive or an avant-garde architect, a sex symbol, or anyone counterculture. *retch*

If you for a moment don't think we are in 'their' country, then you are clearly a naif who is deluding herself.

Obeam also had this sentiment that we must come to this country, do hard work and be the model boy valedictorians instead of dropping out of college and disrupting the establishment so that their ego can be comfortable and not threatened.

Not only that some people who are openly liberal and progressive can't help but ask: "Where you from?" I mean that douchebag Kimmel did that too to a dark-skinned Indian family. Thank God they replied [part of America] to which that idiot kept insisting: "No I mean originally from..."

STFU. Would he have said it had they been of lighter complexion? See there are good and bad in both sides. Right doesn't cover it up. While Dems do it in a more smarmy, subtle, nuanced way...

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Old August 30, 2018, 12:53 AM
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As I predicted, this whole Russia gate will be a boon for Trump and solidly propel him for a second term.

Be Careful What You Ask For: Wasting Time with Manafort, Cohen, and Russiagate
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Old August 30, 2018, 06:07 AM
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I just hope a civil war doesn't erupt. Last thing I want is to go back New Market and munch chanachur for munchies.

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Old August 30, 2018, 06:21 AM
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This just came in.

President Trump: "Today, my Administration is providing a record $91 million to support the Drug-Free Communities initiative. Grants will be awarded to more than 730 community groups in all 50 states."
These are something that Democrats or not-so-liberal but biased media will never ever ever acknowledge. No wonder Trump is pissed. Back in the days media was neutral and had journalistic integrity. After CNN shot themselves in the foot (from their ekchetia Killary support) slowly and slowly so are the rest starting from the head -NY Times.

Democrats really can be like babies sometimes.

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Old August 31, 2018, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Roey Haque
Trump is so good. Love Trump. I actually think God (agnostics choose to believe at times) intervened to elect President Trump and save the country from the demonic witch that is Hillary Clinton.
Aren't you Canadian bro? What are your opinions on the hearthrob himself, Trudeau?
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Old September 10, 2018, 06:11 AM
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We been talking about Trump in "What's in your mind?" so to carry that convo here and to move it back right in here is another part.

Let's take a real life example. Recently Trump cut foreign aids to Pakistan. Let us take two scenarios and finally we will examine the third one - that of mine- lol.

1. I am a staunch Democrat. I hate Trump. Can't stand him. Hate the fact Killary lost. So salty AF. Hate the whole right side. Now my logical continuation I also hate EVERYTHING that Trump says and spews as well as MSM "fake media" says and spews.

Now since Trump cut aid to Pakistan by definition it is 'bad'. Trump is bad. So anything he does must be bad. And Pakistan is good. Since Pakistanis comprise of 'weak, pity, poor-little-me,woe-is-I, mainstream Muslims and lovable cubbys like Kumail Nanjianai, as a female, white woman in her 45s with dyed blue hair to show my equally staunch support for LGBT community it is my duty and honor to stand up for the oppressed, the minorities and the persecuted ones.

Now let us take a sane, rational and level headed response from a hypothetical person from the right with military background.

2. Uh-oh. This s... is not good. The Pakistanis will probably abuse that aid instead of education, social reform or other problems. Wink, wink. WHO KNEW! Surprise... So its good that not only Pakistanis will be cut off from funding terrorists, I hear this is new psychopath called Abu Al Hamadi, and our SEAL Team gotta do something about that butcher who just chopped off his nephew's penis with a dau.

And finally my own bias.

Since I am trying to be more cognizant of our dark past history and DO appreciate the karmic/cosmic justice of Pakistan being b***slapped by US, what the hell do I do?

I just smile and drink my sake.

I mean the problem with Democrats is that they sweep "US" all in broad, generalized judgmental stroke and swath and think by being the white knight, white saint HERO they will somehow save us from the 'evil doers'.

This is the SAME problem they accuse the right of. Could they be any less hypocritical?

OTOH, not only a moderately right-wing military dude will see the problem for what it is, since his stint at Iraq where he had to study Islam and Arab culture in crash course he LEARNED about different sects and factions (Sahabis, Falafels and Wahabis - I never scored well in the Crash Course, but you get the gist) and LEARNED that due to religious differences of the script and sect, people are cutthroats with feet on each other's.

Our Democrat friend meanwhile is still continuing to wield her SJW sword thinking we are somehow sidelining 'poor ol Pakistanis'.

As for myself, I am happy. I am happy, happy, happy that due to my BIAS of being Bangladeshi born as well as the fact I see the bullshit for what it really is - that is EXTREMISTS do inhabit that region and will do anything to blow us up - that maybe, maybe cutting their ties off is NOT such a bad idea?

Again from my non-doing inaction of wu wei. Let Karma f--- them up.


Same s--- is going here.

Move to shutter main Palestinian gov't office in U.S. capital comes days after U.S. announces $25M cut to medical funding.

People are throwing a hissy fit without even studying the full context. I just had Palestinian fast food the other day and the people were EXTREMELY friendly and Americanized. Point being when Trump does 'his thing' it is not a full on attack against any religion or race rather isolated, tactical concentrated efforts to get those scumbags out.

Americans know NOTHING of foreign policies so they just BLINDLY follow what MSM tells them willy-nilly.

"Let me put help you, or else you drown." Said the monkey putting the fish on tree. (A favorite Alan Watts quote of mine who wants to drive home the point "All do-gooders are trouble makers".)

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Last edited by Zeeshan; September 10, 2018 at 08:32 AM..
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Old September 10, 2018, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by al Furqaan
Aren't you Canadian bro? What are your opinions on the hearthrob himself, Trudeau?
Trudeau is not a man. Anyway, Canada is not as interesting as USA. I have a strong connection to USA also.
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Old September 11, 2018, 12:13 AM
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Neo-liberal corporate bootlicker BaracktheDroneOBomberObama is back on the campaign trail to put up more empty, holier than thou rhetorical performance and shame voters to vote for Dems without actually saying what Dems stand for or will offer in terms of policy.

Dear Obama, I know this has been very hard for you to accept that Trump succeeded you but it is time to accept the reality. You promised change but your presidency was all about securing a lavish future for you and your family like the Clintons through channeling donations from Wall Street, Big Pharma, and Big Oil to your personal account in exchange for promoting and maintaining the neo-liberal world order. You never retreated from Afghanistan. You started or expanded US imperial wars in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Africa. Though ObamaRomney care scam, you put the whole country as a hostage to incurance companies. You presided over meaningless Paris climate agreement but allowed fracking and drilling in US and everyhwere in the world. Milliions of people were evicted from their homes during your tenure and millions of immigrants were sent back to Mexico. Instead of prosecuring bankers who crashed the world economy, you bailed them out with tax payers money. Under your enlightening leadership, democrats lost thousand seats in state legislatures. And you brazenly supported Debbie Wassernam Schultz and presided over the DNC to ensure that Bernie is cheated and $hillary is nominated so that the status quo can continue.
And now that Trump is elected, you have the temerity to come and shame US voters. Don't be like Trump. Don't live in alternative reality. Your good looking face and polished talking and acting did not hide the scoundrel of personality you are behind your mask. You smartness did not hide the lightning speed with which your knees dropped and touched the ground before your corporate masters. You are as hollow and as soulless as Donald Trump.
You thought you can hoodwink God, history, and people, and go down as an FDR like figure of liberal progressive champinon. But God delivered justice. DONALD J. TRUMP is your legacy. You will go to grave with this legacy - Big, Fat, Beautiful DONALD J. TRUMP.
And mark my word - your presence in the campaign trail will only ensure that Republicans turn out in massive numbers and deliver a red wave.
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Old September 11, 2018, 05:56 AM
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I really wanted to share this on my social media. Except I don't know your name to credit you. ^^ But you got some b---s to walk in to BC and diss "our" Barack Obama in front of everyone. :p

Great post again.

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Old September 12, 2018, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by ToBeFair
Neo-liberal corporate bootlicker BaracktheDroneOBomberObama is back on the campaign trail to put up more empty, holier than thou rhetorical performance and shame voters to vote for Dems without actually saying what Dems stand for or will offer in terms of policy.

Dear Obama, I know this has been very hard for you to accept that Trump succeeded you but it is time to accept the reality. You promised change but your presidency was all about securing a lavish future for you and your family like the Clintons through channeling donations from Wall Street, Big Pharma, and Big Oil to your personal account in exchange for promoting and maintaining the neo-liberal world order. You never retreated from Afghanistan. You started or expanded US imperial wars in Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Africa. Though ObamaRomney care scam, you put the whole country as a hostage to incurance companies. You presided over meaningless Paris climate agreement but allowed fracking and drilling in US and everyhwere in the world. Milliions of people were evicted from their homes during your tenure and millions of immigrants were sent back to Mexico. Instead of prosecuring bankers who crashed the world economy, you bailed them out with tax payers money. Under your enlightening leadership, democrats lost thousand seats in state legislatures. And you brazenly supported Debbie Wassernam Schultz and presided over the DNC to ensure that Bernie is cheated and $hillary is nominated so that the status quo can continue.
And now that Trump is elected, you have the temerity to come and shame US voters. Don't be like Trump. Don't live in alternative reality. Your good looking face and polished talking and acting did not hide the scoundrel of personality you are behind your mask. You smartness did not hide the lightning speed with which your knees dropped and touched the ground before your corporate masters. You are as hollow and as soulless as Donald Trump.
You thought you can hoodwink God, history, and people, and go down as an FDR like figure of liberal progressive champinon. But God delivered justice. DONALD J. TRUMP is your legacy. You will go to grave with this legacy - Big, Fat, Beautiful DONALD J. TRUMP.
And mark my word - your presence in the campaign trail will only ensure that Republicans turn out in massive numbers and deliver a red wave.
Great post. I can't stand a sanctimonious piece of turd like Obama.
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Old September 12, 2018, 09:57 PM
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^^His post makes me wanna watch Devil's Advocate 'gin!

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Old September 12, 2018, 11:37 PM
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Originally Posted by ToBeFair
[...Obama Diss...]
Then explain it to me:

How come he won Nobel Peace Prize 2009?
How come he preaches world peace as this is the sole agenda that fuels his entire life and he can't really....sleep at night?
Why he pleases people and tells them only what they want to hear?
Why he thinks education is so important so everyone can be like him?
Why is he such a model boy that he has no ego and in all humility EVEN guested in Bear Grylls?
Why they would readily CRUCIFY if a crack sellin murder suspect datin a slutty chick IF THEY were alt-right but leddem attend their concert if not Sri Hillary invite 'em on stage, bruh?
Why he never vilified Dems for them Stormy card and NOT back Hillary for crooked use of father of a Pakistani Muslim solider- Khizr Khan to break some browny points? [I mean he be complicit bruh.]
Why he never ranted against CNN for blackmailing photoshopist or them Dems (and liberals newspapers) for putting words in that SJW gun control kid's mouth to parrot and ventriloquist him to say what they wanna puppet him to say? Hmm...
Why he never took 'on them big pharma or better yet appreciate Trumps fight with opiod (well not HIS fight, but...you get)?
Why they never give backhanded compliments to someone like a true politician?
Why they were DECENT enough to congratulate Trump so graciously with ALL the undertone of "I know he won, but what can we do... our nation gotta accept it"?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... but EXCUSE me TBF I couldn't hear your response between all the shouts, din, hubbub, hoof, thud, throb, rattle, boom, clank, crack, gamut and 'strident tattoo' n shrill 'uv......... hmmm let's see? hypocrisy?

Sorry. What have I missed?

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Old September 24, 2018, 01:03 PM
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Who is more shameless? President Trump who continuously and publicly berates his own attorney general, or attorney general Jeff Sessions for not resigning despite all the insults?
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Old September 24, 2018, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Zeeshan
Sorry. What have I missed?
If you don't dismiss Counterpunch.org like ROey, perhaps you may read few articles about Obama:

The Stupefying Mediocrity of Barack Obama

Obama’s Imperial Presidency

Obama: a Hollow Man Filled With Ruling Class Ideas

Obama’s Hollow Legacy

And there are many more available. Above I linked the articles that I have read.
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Old September 25, 2018, 05:03 PM
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So received this in my mail today... lol

Subject: I’m writing this check in Zeeshan's honor

Trump Pence Make America Great Again


While at times it can feel like everyone’s against us, I want you to know that you’re not in this fight alone.

So today, I’m going to write a check to help protect our majorities AND help my father win his re-election campaign in 2020.

And if you join me in making a contribution before our FINAL FEC deadline of the election (9/30 at 11:59 PM), it will be MATCHED.

CONTRIBUTE $20 = $40

CONTRIBUTE $15 = $30

CONTRIBUTE $10 = $20



I’ll be honest -- when I hear the vicious attacks hurled against my father, it’s hard not to take them personally.

But then I remember that he chose to walk away from his old life to enlist in this fight. I remember that he’s given a voice to 63 million forgotten Americans.

He knew what he was getting into. We all did. We knew that draining the swamp would force us to see the ugliest monsters lurking at the bottom.

They launch witch hunts against innocent men. They attack Sarah Huckabee Sanders. They’ve even barricaded our Homeland Security Director’s house because she’s trying to end illegal immigration.

That’s why I felt compelled to write to you today, and tell you that I’m making a contribution.

Join me in making a contribution before our FINAL FEC deadline on 9/30 at 11:59 PM -- and it will be MATCHED.

Thank you,

Eric Trump
Eric Trump



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Old September 25, 2018, 05:27 PM
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Another good move by the Trump administration:

The Trump administration is seeking to give itself broad latitude to reject immigrants from the US if they have too little income and education, which could effectively impose a merit-based immigration system without an act of Congress...

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Old October 30, 2018, 11:08 PM
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If you want to take on Trump, you cannot wear a kid glove. You have to be aggressive like him or even more (and of course with facts). Florida governor candidate Gillum recently showed an example of how it is done:

Trump, an endorser of GOP nominee Ron DeSantis in Florida's tight gubernatorial race, labeled Gillum — without elaborating — a “stone cold thief” in an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Monday night.

Gillum, the mayor of Tallahassee, Fla., responded to the president on Twitter, writing: “I heard @realDonaldTrump ran home to @FoxNews to lie about me. But as my grandmother told me — never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it. So ignore him and vote, Florida!”
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Old October 31, 2018, 01:06 AM
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Trump is turning out to be an all time great president. So much success in under 3 years. God please keep him safe.

1) George Washington
2) Thomas Jefferson
3) Abraham Lincoln
4) Donald Trump
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Old October 31, 2018, 06:29 AM
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He's doing a great job handling China by imposing necessary tariffs. What most people don't know is China has a clearly defined plan to become the World's foremost economic power by 2025 -- it is called "Made in China 2025". It was unveiled in 2015 by the Chinese Prime minister and his cabinet. The plan is to increase production of Chinese goods by a whopping 70% by 2025, in a world which is already flooded by Chinese products. This includes high tech products in IT, robotics and pharmaceuticals, sectors in which the US dominates. Currently US pays 25% in tariffs to export certain products to China whereas China pays only 2.5% when they export to the US. This has been going on for a long time in the name of globalization. All Trump is doing is leveling the playing field.
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Old October 31, 2018, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by zman
He's doing a great job handling China by imposing necessary tariffs. What most people don't know is China has a clearly defined plan to become the World's foremost economic power by 2025 -- it is called "Made in China 2025". It was unveiled in 2015 by the Chinese Prime minister and his cabinet. The plan is to increase production of Chinese goods by a whopping 70% by 2025, in a world which is already flooded by Chinese products. This includes high tech products in IT, robotics and pharmaceuticals, sectors in which the US dominates. Currently US pays 25% in tariffs to export certain products to China whereas China pays only 2.5% when they export to the US. This has been going on for a long time in the name of globalization. All Trump is doing is leveling the playing field.
But you don't understand Zman, you are a nationalist! I think you need to watch more CNN and Colbert, so you can get out of your deplorable thinking.
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Old October 31, 2018, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by zman
He's doing a great job handling China by imposing necessary tariffs. What most people don't know is China has a clearly defined plan to become the World's foremost economic power by 2025 -- it is called "Made in China 2025". It was unveiled in 2015 by the Chinese Prime minister and his cabinet. The plan is to increase production of Chinese goods by a whopping 70% by 2025, in a world which is already flooded by Chinese products. This includes high tech products in IT, robotics and pharmaceuticals, sectors in which the US dominates. Currently US pays 25% in tariffs to export certain products to China whereas China pays only 2.5% when they export to the US. This has been going on for a long time in the name of globalization. All Trump is doing is leveling the playing field.
How Badly is Trump’s Trade War Hurting China?


For those who care about facts and number and not simply empty hot air of the Orange Monster.

The issue of trade deficit simply cannot be solved by slapping tariffs. In a neo-liberal economy, industries will move to countries where they can find the most skilled labor for the cheapest price. This is one of the reasons why China has the upper hand when it comes to manufacturing. Why do Apple produces/assembles its products in China? Ask this question first before praising how Trump's phony tariff is solving the trade deficit.

Even in terms of science and technology, China is advancing rapidly. Read this recent article from politico - a very mainstream site.

The social progressive policies of FDR created the middle class, infrastructure, social security, medicare, and the result was advancement in science and technology. President Reagan rolled back these, and started the neo-liberal order, which made the rich richer, decimated the middle class, and made poor the poorer, and the result is decline in science and technology too.

China has now a healthy middle class - for China to remain prosperous, China should keep this middle class alive - even if that means slightly higher manufacturing cost. If China decimates its middle class to make its rich richer, it will have same end like the US.

US now knows that it cannot compete with China anymore. Its last resort is "gaye pore juddho kora". There is a reason why US foreign policy made a pivot to Pacific and have been ramping up its military presence around the waters of China.

Slapping tariffs to reduce trade deficit will only make sense only if there is world wide UNIVERSAL minimum wage. That is crux of the matter - but no one is talking about that.
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Old October 31, 2018, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Roey Haque
Trump is turning out to be an all time great president. So much success in under 3 years. God please keep him safe.

1) George Washington
2) Thomas Jefferson
3) Abraham Lincoln
4) Donald Trump
I wouldn't call record highs of anti-semitism and Islamophobia as success or even the economic cataclysm that will result from the trade war. Not to mention the lower and middle classes that will be screwed due to the tax breaks for billionaires.

Brazil has their version of Trump now. So if the two of them meet to negotiate, who will win?
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